Wednesday, May 29, 2013


                                                         Here is me riding the halfpipe.

Sweeping Sawdust.

We finished the build and here I am sweeping off the sawdust from cutting the pieces for the halfpipe.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The shell

We finally finished the shell of the halfpipe!

 *Note: This picture was taken on May 2nd.
Here is my dad standing on the halfpipe

First bank complete!

The first bank on the half pipe is complete!
*Note: This picture was taken on May 2nd.

Gathering Tools!

Now my dad and me are gathering tools for the half pipe!
 *Note: This picture was taken on April 29th.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Estimated Cost

Here is a rough estimate of the cost of the half-pipe I'm building.

The total cost is: $582.98.

prices may vary!!!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Thinking about building your own half-pipe, here are some of the resources I used:

  - This website gives off a helpful tutorial about the half-pipe I'm building, but you have to purchase a CD that tells you more information about the build, but from watching the video you get very helpful information.